Saturday, February 22, 2014

Role of Science, Maths, and Technology in Progress

The role of science, maths and technology in progress has always been assumed to be related but, no one actually gave a precise understanding, I am trying to give one, using a quote:
Let, there be 3 types of knowledge, which span all that is to know in this universe:
Type 1 : "There are known knowns; there are things we know we know" 
Type 2 : "We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know" 
Type 3 : "There are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know.” 

The primary roles of science, maths, and technology can be explained as follows: 

The primary role of science is to take elements of type 3 and convert them to type 2, because this deals with unknown elements to begin with we need imagination, curiosity and creative thinking to do scientific original research.
The primary role of maths is to take elements from type 2 and convert them to type 1, because these deals with handling known elements it need application of logic, systematic thinking and reductions to known elements.
The primary role of technology is to take abstract elements of type 1 and make them useful and implement it.

Few examples to help convey my idea:
Example 1: Discovering gravity and its cause is science, knowing how exactly to model the effects is maths, and using those models to make geostationary satellites is wonder of technology.

Example 2: An algorithm to test if a given number is prime, it is a known unknown element or piece of a big number theory puzzle. The primality testing algorithm might have needed great creativity and imagination but, the algorithm is finally mathematical tool and maths played it's role to give us a tool to solve that piece of puzzle. The algorithm is not a piece of scientific discovery but a mathematical breakthrough.

Example 3: Using technology to take elements from type 3 to type 2, is still called as scientific research. For example, CERN Large Hadron Collider facility is a technology used for scientific research and even a simple microscope or exploratory telescopes are other examples. The technology (i.e, the accelerator or the microscope) was developed after it was already made into a concept of type 1, but the technology itself aids in new discoveries by extending our senses and abilities to see more and grasp more.  

Important Note: These roles are defined in terms of necessity and not sufficiency. 
Example: One might need mathematics to pen down imagination in concrete words and mathematical solution to a problem might dictate the existence of a concept which was initially of type 3 to be of type 2.  

What is the purpose of education?

Seems to be a very difficult question, but I believe, it has a very simple answer.

The purpose of education is not just to help you just do experiments, understand nature, be a good person, and/or make thoughtful decisions, but it is to inculcate the following 3 abilities:

1) Ability to learn: No one cares to remember the details of things taught in school or college, but the ability to learn things which would help us on our way in life, is supposed to be developed by the system of education. In other words, this is the ability to create, write and edit new documents.

2) Ability to unlearn: This is an important ability in today's age of information. Once you are given exposure to several fields and you understand, that there are things you do not like or things you learnt, but it does not seem to be of any immediate use. This also includes things you learnt and liked, but it is proven to be untrue later. Then the ability which helps you to keep that knowledge aside in reserve or in recycle bin is the ability to unlearn. Note: There is no "Delete Permanently" option in reality.

3) Ability to relearn: The world is dynamic in nature. Things which are unimportant today, might be very important tomorrow. The ability to restore a file from the recycle bin and edit it suitably, in other words, the ability to learn something long forgotten is the ability to relearn.

Inculcating these abilities in every individual is the responsibility of high school and undergraduate education with suitable help from parents. Helping interested people master these abilities should be the role played by institutes of higher education.

(Original idea based on “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ” ― Alvin Toffler)

Let me know your views in comments!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


A girl is sitting lonely next to a pond in her home’s backyard. She is confused about her feelings about a guy, she can't share it with friends, 'coz, she is still not sure and doesn't want to tell her feelings to her family either, ‘coz, they might not help, but, actually complicate the matter. So, she remembered "Nature is the best teacher" and so decided to take Nature’s help!!

She first plucked a very beautiful and rare Lily flower (called lily wood) and started plucking petal one by one saying,

I love him
I love him NOT
I love him
I love him NOT
I love him
I love him NOT!!!!!!!

So, the nature’s first answer was NO. Then she thought, “Oh! I am so foolish! This flower had 6 petals, even number!! So, it had to come NO.” She thought I should try again with something else. Their beautiful garden and lilies and…..sunflowers! She now plucks out a sunflower. She starts again plucking petals one by one.

I love him………...1
I love him NOT….2
I love him………...33
I love him NOT…..34

Again ends on No, this one had 34 petals, again even number. Then she recollected when she was taught Fibonacci series, 34 was a Fibonacci number and Fibonacci numbers are preferred by nature.

She thought “I won’t get an answer like this”, and sits next to the pond wondering what to do and starts throwing pebbles in the pond creating ripples. Few minutes later, she hears a voice, the ripples on the pond's surface were creating amazing interference patterns, looked almost unreal. She was thinking when did I throw the last pebble? Not understanding why the ripples are still not settling. As the surface calmed, she saw in the pond a reflection of a guy sitting next to her. He was the guy she loved(or felt that she loved but was confused). He whispered to her, “ Why do you ask questions when you know the answer”. She replied, ”I just want my prayer to be answered, I just want to know whether my feelings are true, so, I tried to ask Nature”. The guy in reflection says,” We never have unanswered prayers but if we have one it’s because either you already know the answer or you still not ready for it. I'll give you the answer you are looking for and gives her a Red ROSE and says go ahead Count.” She starts…”yes no yes no yessssss”(Roses generally have 5 petals again a Fibonacci number). She was so happy, she started saying, “Yes I love him”.

The girl wanted to shout, but, that woke her up. She realized, that, she was sitting at the side of the pond for hours. The pond water was calm, no ripples and there was no one around her. Again sitting lonely on the side of the pond, she thought,” We look for answers in and around the world, but, when the true answer is right within us!” But, then, she thought, it was after all just a dream, can it be true???

The girl was remembering this years later, when she was sitting by the same pond, and she was thinking, how much she used to worry. She again saw that guys reflection next to her, the guy she loved(or felt that she loved but was confused). But, this time, he was there for REAL. :)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Born to be a LEGEND

The way I look at Life:

Life's not just about the gain,
It's about the suffering and the pain,

Life's not just about spending 24 hours everyday,
It's about being better than what you were yesterday.

Life's not just about winning every game,
It's about playing and learning from the same.

Life's not about getting a degree,
That's just the beginning, this you must agree.

Life's not just about getting a job,
It's about improving life of the mob.

Life's not about crying when you fall,
It's about crawling, walking, running,'cz u can't afford to stall.

Life's not about failures and saying," I QUIT ",
It's about the trials before saying," I DID IT ".

Life's not about staring at the stars in the sky,
It's about being a star on earth, among the people or nearby.

Life's not just about trying to get the seat or the crown,
It's about being that person without whom the kingdom would fall down.

Life's not just about finding what you are born to do,
It's about being that person the world would look forward to.

Life's not just about being the hero,
It's about being the LEGEND that lives, even after the hero.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Battles of life are endless,
get geared up for your test.
Don’t settle for anything less,
Expect the best.
You are not like the rest,
You deserve the best,
Fight with zest,
Then, take some rest.
Again, fight with zest.
Finally,you will stand at crest,
and experience the feeling,
you will not be able express,

‘coz,that is, SUCCESS.

What I understand by Journey called LIFE?

  • Life is a matrix,created by GOD.
  • Life is a competition,to be won without the use of performance enhancing drugs.
  • Life is a roller coaster, at the beginning it’s slow and ascending, but, once it reaches the top, then, there is no straight,simple path, there are ups and downs and loops, if you lose hope, you are finished, but, if you have the courage to face each and every challenge with your eyes open, at the end, you feel you are on top of the world.
  • Life and time both are hard to define, but, just a second, is sufficient to experience their existence.
  • Life is an unsolved mystery, and the grave is not its goal.It depends on the soul, sorrow and happiness play a major role, but,I still think it’s not enough what I told.

Now, that, we are going to start a new life and enter the real world, just believe me no one can define life completely in words, so,nothing can be said for sure about life. But, just one thing is sure about life, that, you are the architect of your own life and no one can influence your destiny, neither your senior nor your boss, everything is in your hands. So, make the best of it.

The Journey Begins...

I want to get into IIT!
My goal is to be an IITian!

I had uttered these words to myself for two years. It all started from the day I finished the S.S.C. examination. IIT was the only thing on my mind. The tempo was, so, high that I knew months before, the IIT-Joint Entrance Examination, that,I would clear it and I did it. But, I had never ever imagined it to be IIT Kharagpur, it was always IIT Bombay, which is 20 minutes drive from my home.But, all hopes shattered, I had to come 1870km away from home, away from my family, away from my friends, to a place never seen, never even bothered to know the state to which it belonged.
I decided and I was here with my dad. I saw the hostel better, than, expectation.I saw the main building,”Wow! It’s awesome”, was the first thing, that, came to my mind. After,the registration process got over, I headed towards Vikramshila.My dad was about to leave,he was already getting late for his train.I hugged him and headed back to Vikramshila.......It was, that,very moment I realised how crazy I was! How on earth could I have decided to stay in this massive place, away from my family, my dearest friends who have always been by my side for a period of 5 years,when I don’t even remember, if I would have left them for even 5 days...I really wanted to cry,I regretted my decision,but,I pushed my tears back and ran back to him and hugged him again and said, “If not for myself, I’ll win the battles and the war for you.”
IIT Kharagpur became my new home.I cannot call it heaven, because, heaven has angels and my mother is not here. After two years of hardwork and sacrifices, I come up here for 5 years for what?? More sacrifices!! Yes..this is life. This was my first bitter experience at IITKGP.